This short film, set in a retro-futuristic Steampunk/Dieselpunk world, is about a man named Andrew... a religious but faithless man, and dutiful soldier in a war with demonic forces,
 who seeks vengeance for the death of his wife. He sets out on a quest... to dive into the deepest darkness to retrieve a precious heirloom for his daughter, stolen by the one who killed his wife... his mortal enemy, Tsalmaveth.
Andrew's quest for vengeance becomes his path to faith as he confronts Tsalmaveth once and for all. He is forced to face the reality of his own faithless heart... and learns a valuable lesson about the power of hope and faith.
This exciting, faith affirming, Steampunk/Dieselpunk/Sci-fi/Fantasy short film from Artistic Alchemy Film & Media is currently in post-production with a release date schedule for early 2024.
True faith endures and darkness is overcome.
"I surrendered... not to an enemy... but to this one simple truth. That these virtues of faith, honor, and truth... were never mine to possess. They were Elyon’s to grant according to His grace..."
"Elyon’s light shined into my own black heart and He showed me this... that we do not fight for land, or a cause, or for personal honor and glory. We fight for what is eternal... for that which remains... faith... hope... love."
"It is in the loving... the believing... the enduring... that we reflect a glory not our own... a glory that The Great Elyon, through His own Son Goel, through his sacrifice, has chosen to give to us..."